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If you have been following the latest drama of Anne Rice, STGRB and their menacing pet troll Kevin Weinberg, you know that Jenny Trout was recently targeted by Kevin for a) expressing her opinion of a book's content, and b) expressing her wish that it be pulled from circulation.
The story posted on STGRB (where opposing comments are most often not allowed) used selective screen shots provided by Kevin, and which painted Jenny Trout as an 'author attacker'. (Irony, right?) The article was immediately then heralded on Anne Rice's Facebook page for her 1 million+ followers to peruse and persecute, and where many opposing comments were also not welcomed and therefore deleted. (more deleted & deleted)
If you followed along like I did, you too felt a game was at play. A sick game where players behind the curtain were manipulating facts for the purpose of targeting a person Anne Rice has had issues with in the past. Yes, it felt VERY personal and completely dubious. And given Kevin Weinberg's proven history of manipulating tween-age kids into creating fake accounts to troll along side with him, including his recent attack of people on an Amazon thread who were simply opposed to Anne Rice's support of STGRB, one will see he very likely has ulterior motives.
Proof Kevin Weinberg is manipulating troll influencing young tweens
Sadly, as a result of this calculated attack, several people complained to Jenny's publisher. The publisher heard one side of the story and felt they needed to pull Jenny's story from an upcoming anthology of 12 authors. In support of solidarity, the other 11 others also pulled their stories. So not only was Jenny hurt in the mix, but so were 11 other authors.
Today Jenny released her novella as a stand alone, so if you would like to support her you can find the new book on Amazon or Smashwords.